Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Trace Your Genes to Health: Use Your Family Tree to Guide Your Diet, Enhance Your Immune System and Overcome Chronic Disease

Trace Your Genes to Health: Use Your Family Tree to Guide Your Diet, Enhance Your Immune System and Overcome Chronic Disease Review

What do cancer, cardiovascular disease, arthritis, schizophrenia, Alzheimer's, lupus, severe depression, celiac sprue, cystic fibrosis and dozens of other disease conditions have in common?

First, they all express genetic predispositions that can readily be traced within family genealogies. And second, they lend themselves to specific nutritional and dietary preventative measures -- all based on a clear understanding of who is at risk, what dietary and environmental factors are likely to trigger the conditions, and what specific nutrients can help to fortify the immune system against these conditions.

Trace Your Genes To Health offers hope to millions through its comprehensive approach to understanding medical genetics through family tree health diagrams and its dietary/nutritional protocols that relate to numerous common conditions that can typically be prevented, or at least carefully managed.

Read this book yourself. Share it with family members. Share it with your doctor -- or your patients! You may save a life -- perhaps even your own!

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