Thursday, January 26, 2012

Savvy's Survival Guide - 297 Ways to Avoid Blunders in Your Life, Business, Family and Health

Savvy's Survival Guide - 297 Ways to Avoid Blunders in Your Life, Business, Family and Health Review

Savvy’s Survival Guide reveals 297 ways to avoid blunders in life, business, family and health

Table of Contents
Introduction: Savvy’s Survival Guide
Section 1: Financial Setbacks
What to Do When You’ve Got
Inaccurate Information in Your Credit Report
What to Do If You’re Getting Credit Card Bills for Something You Didn’t Buy
How to Cure Bad Credit
What to Do If You’re Mired in Debt
What to Do If You Suspect Someone
Is Trying to Con You with an Investment Scam
What to Do If Your Financial Broker
Gives You Bad Investment Advice
What to Do If You Suspect Someone
Is Embezzling from You
Section 2: Travel Snags
How to Get a Passport Quickly
How to Avoid a Long Airport Wait
How to Handle Jet Lag
What to Do If You Have Trouble with a Foreign Official
Section 3 – Dealing with People
Dealing with Disagreeable People
How to Handle the Relentless Telemarketer
How to Handle the Noisy Neighbor
How to Handle the “I-Pick-Fights-at-Parties” Jerk
How to Handle the Inappropriate Boss
How to Handle the Road Raging Driver
How to Handle the Caller Who Just Won’t Stop Talking
Section 4: Healthcare Conundrums
What to Do When You’re Going Bald
What to Do When You Have Psoriasis
What to Do If You Get Poison Ivy
How to Deal with Nasty Sunburn
What to Do When You’re Afraid You Have Skin Cancer
How to Get Rid of a Boil
What to Do When You’ve Got Pimples
How to Counteract High Cholesterol How to Get Rid of Your Bad Breath Problem
How to Deal with Constant Tiredness What to Do If You Have Insomnia What to Do If You’re Addicted to Sleeping Pills What to Do When You’re Overweight How to Handle Food Poisoning What to Do About High Blood Pressure How to Deal with Erectile Dysfunction What to Do If You Can’t Seem to Quit Smoking How to Get Life Insurance
Even If You Have Medical Problems What to Do When You and Your Spouse
Are Having Fertility Problems What to Do If Someone Has Overdosed on Drugs How to Find an Inpatient Alcohol Treatment Center What to Do If You’re Hyperventilating
What to Do If Someone Is Having a Heart Attack What to Do If You Learn You Have a Terminal Illness or Serious Injury What to Do If Your Medical Insurer
Refuses to Cover Procedures You Need
What to Do If You’re Sick or Hurt and Can’t Work Anymore What to Do If You Have a Back Injury Section 5: Business Issues How to Get a Raise You Deserve but Haven’t Received
How to Handle a Demotion
How to Deal with a Bully Boss How to Fix a Bad Reputation at Work or Online
What to Do About Gender Bias at Work How to Quit Your Job Gracefully How to Avoid Getting Sued by Job Applicants How to Reject a Job Applicant in Person How to Fire an Employee
How to Sell a Failing Business Section 6: Everyday Annoyances How to Get Out of Jury Duty
How to Stop Spam
What to Do If You Forget Someone’s Name
How to Get Out of Traffic Stops
How to Get Out of a Traffic Ticket
Section 7: Creature Conflicts
How to Quiet a Barking Dog
How to Handle an Aggressive Dog
What to Do When Someone Is Bitten by a Snake in the Wilderness
What to Do If You Encounter a Mountain Lion
What to Do If You Encounter a Bear
How to Deal with a Roach Infestation Problem
How to Get Rid of Mice Naturally
How to Get Rid of Fleas in Your Home
What to Do If You Get Termites
Section 8: People Problems
What to Do When You Suspect Someone of Lying to You
How to Handle a Date from Hell
What to Do When You Get an Invitation You Don’t Want to Accept
What to Do When You’ve Hurt Someone’s Feelings
How to Get Someone to Notice You Romantically
How to Resolve a Family Feud
How to Get Over Heartbreak
How to Handle a Turbulent Relationship with a Teen
How to Get a Restraining Order
How to Handle Difficult In-Laws
What to Do When You Suspect Your Spouse of Cheating
Section 9: Extreme Situations
What to Do If You Have a Car Accident
What to Do If Your Car Is Stolen
What to Do If You Are Being Stalked
What to Do If You Are a Victim of Physical Abuse
What to Do If You See a Drunk Driver on the Road

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