Thursday, March 15, 2012

My Dog's Health (My Dog's Health Book 1)

My Dog's Health (My Dog's Health Book 1) Review

I have provided this information so that you can read, learn and use it to make the most of the very precious time you have as your dog goes through life and the changes that this brings... Sometimes illnesses in dogs and puppies are very minor and may not need medical treatment. You may have read or been advised about a home remedy that has been used by a friend to cure your dog's upset stomach or 24 hour stomach virus.

For that reason I have listed the odd home remedy & alternative treatments. But please remember, our number one concern is your dog or puppy, so please, if you have any concerns or medical questions, or just some advice to ease your worries take your dog or puppy to the vet.

Now sit back, relax and enjoy my book..

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