Sunday, September 18, 2011

Out on a Whim: A Somewhat Useful Guide to Marriage, Family, Culture, God, and Flammable Household Appliances

Out on a Whim: A Somewhat Useful Guide to Marriage, Family, Culture, God, and Flammable Household Appliances Review

Laugh-Out-Loud Humor…With a Christian Twist!

Dave Meurer’s Out on a Whim: A Somewhat Useful Guide to Marriage, Family, Culture, God and Flammable Household Appliances bills itself as “a somewhat useful guide to family, culture, God, and flammable household appliances.” And, really, when you get down to it, is there anything else worth writing about in life? We didn’t think so.

As opposed to his other superlative opuses, Boyhood Daze and Daze of Our Wives, Out on a Whim does not have the word “daze” in its title. And yet it is funny. Very funny. In fact, it is a laugh-a-minute book that pokes equal fun at parenting, society, religion, and everything else in life.

Meurer’s writing has been compared to bestselling funny man Dave Barry, only Meurer also includes a solid Christian message in each of his books that celebrates the joy and humor God’s brought to the world. This is humor that packs a punch, while subtly making a point. It’s recommended for anyone who wants—or needs—to lighten up.

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