Saturday, July 23, 2011

Mortal Peril: Our Inalienable Right to Health Care?

Mortal Peril: Our Inalienable Right to Health Care? Review

A leading scholar argues provocatively against universal health care, and provides a set of principles for a sharply restricted government role in medicine

Most Americans assume that universal access to health care is a desirable and humane political goal. Not so, says distinguished legal scholar Richard Epstein. In this seminal work, he explodes the unspoken assumption that a government-administered, universal health-care system would be a boon to America. Basing his argument in our common law traditions that limit the collective responsibility for an individual's welfare, he provides a political and economic analysis which suggests that unregulated provision of health care will, in the long run, guarantee greater access to quality medical care for more people. He also authoritatively documents the ways in which government regulation has actually reduced the availability of organs for vitally needed transplants, and has interfered with a sensible policy toward euthanasia.

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